SRPG Game 64 – Riglord Saga 2 (Part 2)

This is a much longer game than the first Riglord; I’m not quite finished with it yet and I think in the end it will be more than double the length of the first game. I also have to correct something I said in the first post — you can rotate the camera in battle with the A button.

We ended with Myu following Galzard to Kadarl, where she is imprisoned and will be put to death the next day. The rest of the group goes to Diana to use her ship to reach Kadarl, which for some reason has some super technology that lets her reach it quickly (instead of in a few months).

In prison she meets Anju, the daughter of the head librarian of the Alectoria Library. Apparently the 7 Council Members are trying to get forbidden knowledge from the Library, which has traditionally been neutral. They’re looking for some kind of old, forgotten magic. Galzard comes by to do a helpful villain plan monologue, but it’s just the same old stuff — the 7 members want to kill everyone in the world so that only chosen people can live there and everything will be peaceful and just.

With Anju’s help we escape the prison and fight our way out. Anju has library magic that is overall pretty good; she’s one of the best characters in the game.

We’re hoping to get a ship from Poporon back to Riglord continent, but the rest of the party has already made it here. We decide that while we’re here we might as well go back to the tower and take out the 7 Council if we can. Diana heads off in her ship and we go back up the mountain. A quick visit to the library and we meet Anju’s father, who tells her to stay at the library and succeed him as head librarian. When she decides to go fight instead, he disowns her and throws us out.

The tower is kind of annoying because it’s easy to fall or be pushed off the path (and of course the enemies just walk off the slopes and kill themselves sometimes). Shiranami’s Steal Tech ability is quite useful to get a few good defensive techniques, particularly Hikikaeshi which reflects damage back on the user (I think this comes later though).

The 7 Council members have already left by the time we reach the top, and Galzard stays behind to fight us.

Galzard isn’t all that difficult, and he blabs on about the 7’s plan before he dies. Now we need to get back to Riglord, but Diana has already left. So where can we pick up knowledge? The library, of course. Diana’s father is gone, and we find a hidden area under his office that has secret knowledge, including information about the “wings of light”, a flying machine that can take us anywhere. Through an underground passage, we come out near a village that contains people who have watched over these Wings for some time. He gives us a key to open the cave where the Wings are, but we need a Garma Stone which is in a “hot place” (the desert).

The underground passage

In the hot desert everyone takes damage every turn. The desert is also quite annoying because the graphics make it hard to tell where you can actually move, and I kept getting trapped in areas or sliding down hills. I also took the wrong exit first which leads to an optional area, the “Dream Maze”. This is apparently where you get an extra character, but you have to solve the dungeon on your first try or you don’t get another chance. I failed and saved before I realized I couldn’t enter a second time — at least I moved up 3 levels from the enemies.

Dream Maze

The other exit leads to the Isis Pyramid, which is the most difficult dungeon in the game. I moved up 8 levels total with all the times I had to retreat and retry it — there are a bunch of enemy spawn points, half the enemies can’t be hurt by physical attacks, and the enemies have some pretty strong moves. There’s also 2 levels and you can’t save between them (although you can use defensive techs to restore HP and MP before you go up the stairs). There’s also a part near the end of the first floor where you have to use Myu’s earth raise/lower techniques to reach the top — it’s just too hard to make sense of the graphics for me to know how to do this well.

With the Garma Stone from the pyramid, we head back to the Underwater Temple to activate the bird. This map makes you search various areas to raise and lower platforms until you can get to the final switch.

Back to Riglord! Unfortunately when we reach there the Wings break and crash. However, we’re close to Dragoon Castle so no problem. The people in the nearby town are pissed off at Myu for leaving without telling them what happened and think she’s a traitor; lets ignore them and head for the castle. There, we find out that the king was (probably) killed, but we do manage to clear out the enemies and free the soldiers that had been captured.

At this point there was quite a bit of imbalance in my characters. Anju, Asuka, and Kamui had already maxed their defense and attack moves because they each only have one type of attack. But the others with more than one type of move were behind and didn’t have as powerful stuff (except for Rusty, whose spells are really good no matter what). For a while I was avoiding using the three that had maxed moves already, but I decided that at this point I was close enough to the end of the game that I could just use whoever I wanted. Kamui is disappointing, and I also feel that Myu is difficult to use because she has the most types of abilities (defend, sword, special magic, and dragon).

Now it’s time to set out for Queensland to try to chase the 7 Council if we can. But there’s a mist blocking our way across the bridge. Fortunately Hawkeye, a bird fighter, saves us and tells us that back in his shop he has a ring that can dispel the mist. His brother has been captured by the Kadarl forces which is why he’s out there.

The town with his shop has been taken over by Kadarl but the enemies are easily dealt with. Back to the bridge, and the mist goes away. Myu’s float technique helps us cross the ravines, and we move on.

Passing a locked cave and an optional forest area with chests, we finally reach Queensland Castle and Raglos’ tower. This area is not very hard.

The second part is a long spiral area where archers shoot at you, but using that stolen tech that reflects damage back on the attacker makes it easier. Raglos himself was pretty weak. But the 7 Council have already left just as we arrived — they are going to the Dimensional Gate to reach the land of Cuculchlan. It turns out that Anju’s dad gave them the knowledge of controlling the chaos power of Cuculchlan in exchange for the library’s safety — it’s another Galman Orb.

A fairy named Luna shows up, telling us that she’s the guardian of the Mystery Forest; the 7 are trying to enter the Chaos Gate from there. Unfortunately we need to repair the Wings first to be able to reach them — fortunately Hawkeye’s brother knows how to repair it, and we now have the key to the cave where he’s kept.

The cave enemies are easy. Falco (Hawkeye’s brother) can indeed repair the wings, but he’ll need some specific items that the library will help us find. So it’s back to Kadarl to visit the library.

I think this is a good point to break off the post — I’m close to the end so I will not wait until next Saturday to post the final update; probably I’ll do it on Monday.

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